How Career Counselling helps students in time of Covid-19?

Posted on May 11, 2021

How Career Counselling helps students in time of Covid-19?

There has been a sudden surge in demand for Online Career Counselling due to outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. Where many parents had never heard of the word ‘career counselling’ in the past, today, they search for an expert to guide them through online career counselling and help them find the right career path.

Actually, there has been a huge transformation in the life of students after Covid-19. Where online classes have taken over, parents as well as students are so much confused and concerned for the career that they are looking out for career counselling. Throughout the year, the students couldn’t interact 1-on-1 with their peers as well as teachers. The light at the end of the tunnel also seems to be faded for them with the second wave of Covid-19 leading to cancellation of Board exams of Class 10th or delay in Class 12th exams with no certainty. The little possibility of brainstorming sessions with the peer mates, about various career options associated with different streams was also wiped out. All this has resulted in need of online career counselling.

Students have all the more started to interact with Screens – Laptops, Tabs and Mobiles. Here we are not discussing the increased screen time but the stress it further creates due to lack of concrete information and advice. The internet has its own story. It raises so many voices that you watch any OTT media channel including YouTube, you will find that every career option seems to be good. With this, the confusion increases further, thereby leading to stress.

This is the stage when students and their parents seek advice from career counsellor. Discussion with friends, relatives, tuition teachers or people in society is of little use as everyone has his/her own story to reveal. The more you discuss, more you get confused. The fact is that ‘One Size – Fits All’ approach doesn’t work in case of career. Every individual is unique and has own set of strengths and limitations.

This is why Career Counselling or online career counselling is important. A Career Counsellor can help you in the following ways in time of Covid:

  1. With their experience and knowledge, a career counsellor can help you understand the market dynamics along with the new age career options and the careers which shall be in demand by the time you finish your education and land into real-time world of jobs. The sectors, work-profiles and jobs in demand keep on changing with time. A person who is dealing with students and their careers on daily basis will definitely have more expertise, compared with us as a parent.
  2. A Career Counsellor can help you understand your strengths and competencies to find the best fit career for you as an individual. These strengths can be determined through Psychometric/Questionnaire based assessments as well as through Brain mapping test, which are inborn intelligence tests. Once the strengths or interest areas are determined, the same can be mapped with career options to arrive at the best fit career option for you.
  3. A Career Counsellor can help you build up a complete career roadmap along with other services including providing details of best colleges, profile building, Resume Writing etc. This gives you a clear vision on which career path to pursue and how to go about it.
  4. Above all, a career counsellor can motivate you to pursue a career path with conviction. This helps in achieving great results and all efforts take you to success.
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