How Mindgroom Career Counselling helps students choose the Right Career Path?

Posted on May 11, 2021

How Mindgroom Career Counselling helps students choose the Right Career Path?

Career Counselling is a process which helps an individual to choose the right career path under guidance of an expert career counsellor. A student who approaches for career counselling, whether he or she is from class X / XII / Graduation or even a working professional, is generally confused due to parental pressure, peer pressure, influence of teachers, or due to incomplete knowledge they have gained through internet.

At Mindgroom Career Counselling, our counsellors guide students on the basis of IKIGAI – The Japanese Concept of Well Being, which considers the combination of following factors:

1) What you love to do.
2) What you are good at.
3) What the world needs.
4) What you can get paid for

To arrive at your IKIGAI, we follow a 5-Step process for Career Counselling. This includes:

Need Analysis

When a client approaches us for career counselling, during initial discussion we first discuss what is the requirement of the client and how we can solve it in our career counselling process. Let us acknowledge the fact that one size fits all approach will never work. Every individual is unique, their requirement is unique, and their circumstances are different. So, we need to understand what exactly they are looking from a career counselling session when they approach Mindgroom. We understand their need and propose them a definite solution which will guide them through the process of confusion to clarification.

Career Assessment Test

After the initial discussion for career counselling, we go for career assessment test for students. We use two types of assessments during our career counselling process – Inborn Intelligence Brain Mapping Test and Acquired Intelligence Psychometric Test. Based on these career assessment tests our career counsellor arrives at the strengths and interest areas of an individual and hence determine which career path is best for them as an individual.

Career Discussion

Once the assessment report is ready, the next step is a detailed discussion with our career counsellor. The best part of Mindgroom Career Counselling is that our career counsellors don’t force you to choose a particular career option. They just keep logical facts based on your strengths and interest areas. And you can choose a career path based on them. They will take you through a logical process from confusion to clarification. Above all, we never force you to take admission in particular college or for particular course. We just give you an unbiased counselling and reveal which career or course is best suited for you as an individual.

Career Roadmap

Once you narrow down on a particular career option with the help of a career counsellor, the next stage of our career counselling process is to guide you and build up a career roadmap to achieve the desired career goal. This includes building up your career profile, so that you get know the way forward. Thus, our career counselling process gives you a clear vision as how to proceed further in particular career option.

Industry Interaction

The final step in our career counselling process is ‘A Talk with an Industry Expert’. Here we make you interact with the career expert based on your career choice and this act as an icing on the cake. You get to know the real-time industry scenario and our experts make you understand your career profile so that you take an informed decision.

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