DMIT Test Cost

DMIT Test Cost/Price

What is Cost of DMIT Test?

Are you looking for DMIT Test Cost? Let us acknowledge the fact that we are living in the world, where even the cost of a simple blood test is not fixed. Where you can get it done for free in a government hospital, the cost is way too high in private hospitals especially in metros. But what is important is reliability of the medical report and also from whom you take the consultation, the qualification and experience of that physician is very important.

When it comes to DMIT Test Cost/Price, let us understand the process how DMIT test is conducted to understand various factors or parameters which determine the cost of DMIT Test. 

Step 1: Scanning of Fingerprints: Every single finger is to be scanned 3 times and hence all 30 prints should be stored in corresponding locations. It has been witnessed that many times left and right hands get interchanged or even some fingerprints are not stored properly in corresponding locations. Moreover, there are instances when important points in the fingerprints are not captured properly. Hence the person scanning the fingerprint should be very vigilant and proactive. This comes at a cost!

Step 2: Fingerprint Analysis: There is manual analysis involved after fingerprint capturing. There are certified Dermatoglyphics Practitioners who are trained to do this analysis. Just like any other field, their experience has an important role to play in accuracy of the final report. At the same time, their vigilance also leaves an impact. Moreover, good companies also follow the practice of getting the analysis done twice for every client and then comparing the two to arrive at the final result. But this again comes at cost.

Step 3: Report Generation: This is done with help of a Software but again there is human intervention involved at every stage and the person generating the report should be very vigilant on various parameters to feed the correct values. Moreover, the accuracy of the software depends on its algorithm, which should be correct. There are many organizations which are using 10-year-old software and have not invested anything on improvement of the same. However, the accuracy of DMIT report can be significantly improved by investing time and money on research and taking inputs from Psychologists and Software practitioners.

Step 4: Counselling: This is the most important factor in the entire process. If you try to read the DMIT report on your own, there is high possibility that you may end up misinterpreting the results. Just like a medical practitioner, the experience of Counsellor is very important. Counsellors charge for DMIT counselling depending on their qualification and experience. Just like MD doctors may earn anything from Rs. 200 per consultation to Rs. 2000 per consultation, DMIT counsellors also charge based on their industry experience.

DMIT Test Cost for Different Age Groups

DMIT Cost for Children Rs. 3500

(Age group 3 to 10 years)

When we talk about DMIT Test Benefits for children in the age group 3 to 10 years, it includes behaviour and academic counselling.

The cost involved in DMIT report and process may be same, but for counselling we need an expert who is experienced enough to guide the parents based on DMIT, as how to deal with their kids. Hence the cost of DMIT Test for kids depends on the experience and skills of the counsellor. 

Dmit Test Cost For Children

DMIT Test Cost for Students Rs. 3500

(Age group 11 to 17 years)

For students in the age group 11 to 17 years, it’s time for subject and stream selection. DMIT Test cost for students depends on the fact that whether the counsellor is just revealing the details mentioned in DMIT report or has sufficient knowledge about various career options and can help in logically taking students from confusion to clarification. There are skilled and trained career counsellors, who use DMIT Test as a tool to guide students about various career options including best suited career for them.

Dmit Test Cost for Students

DMIT Test Cost for Career Guidance & Career counselling Rs. 4000

(Age group 18 years and above)

If you are looking for DMIT Test cost at this age, you are probably looking for best career option after graduation and right job fit for you.

While considering the cost of DMIT test, you must consider the fact that counsellor should have sufficient knowledge to guide you in the right direction.

Dmit Test Cost For Career guidance

DMIT Test Cost for Adults: Rs. 4000

(Age group 25 years and above)

If you are looking for DMIT Test cost for adults, you are probably looking for personal counselling or relationship counselling. This again demands expertise and life coaching experience of the counsellor. More the experience, more can be the DMIT Test cost for adults.  Hence there is no fixed price for DMIT Test, but you can get it done from anywhere in the range Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 8,000/- depending on various factors cited above. But remember, like any other thing, most expensive doesn’t mean that its best. You need to talk, explore and take a call.

Dmit Test Cost For Professionals

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test is a combined scientific study of Brain Lobes, 9 Multiple Intelligence and Human Psychology. with the help of fingerprints.

Know your inborn Talent with DMIT Test and be a Winner

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