DMIT Test in Bahrain

Mindgroom DMIT Test Center provides Best DMIT Test (Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test) in Bahrain

What is DMIT ?

Looking for DMIT Test in Bahrain? Mindgroom DMIT Test Centre in Bahrain offers best DMIT Test in Bahrain and DMIT Test Online at best DMIT Test price / Cost in Bahrain. DMIT (Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test) is a science through which we study the patterns present on our fingers. There are 5 lobes in our brain – Prefrontal, Frontal, Parietal, Temporal and Occipital. Since our brain is divided in 2 parts – Left Brain & Right Brain, these 5 lobes are also divided into 2 parts each. These lobes are developed between 13th to 19th week of gestation when child is in mother’s womb. Our fingerprints also are developed simultaneously. The 10 parts of the brain (lobes) are connected with 10 fingers, wherein every finger is associated with particular lobe of brain. The DMIT analysis helps in understanding the innate potential of the individual. Moreover, since our fingerprints, once formed, remain same throughput our life, so is the result of DMIT Test, it remains same throughout even if you get it done again, few years down the line. DMIT test helps one recognize what you love to do and hence do what you love. This test can help one understand his/her comfort zones and hence choose a successful learning style, acquiring style and plan the career path at an early age. DMIT test also gives an analysis of one’s brain potential, behavioral pattern, SWOT Analysis – Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats. It also gives an understanding of personality, learning style and growth potential in various areas. DMIT Test can be done at any age – toddlers, kids and adults. However, the need or purpose is different for various age brackets.

Scope of DMIT Test in Bahrain

DMIT Test in Bahrain can be a useful tool to identify the comfort zones of individuals. There are various applications of DMIT Test:

  • Career Counselling: In Many Cities like Bahrain, Career Counselling is need of the hour. Hence DMIT in Bahrain can be a wonderful tool to identify the best suited career options based on inborn intelligence.
  • Behavior Counselling: DMIT Test can determine the behavior of individual and hence DMIT is excellent way for Behavior Counselling.
  • Academic Counselling: Every child is different and hence we can tailor make their learning programs through DMIT in Bahrain. DMIT will thus help in achieving academic excellence.
  • Couple/Relationship Counselling: Today we find that life in metro cities is quite different and challenging, the increasing differences between the couples has raised the demand of counsellors. Hence DMIT Test in Bahrain is an excellent tool to understand each other scientifically and rise above the differences.

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test is a combined scientific study of Brain Lobes, 9 Multiple Intelligence and Human Psychology. with the help of fingerprints.

Know your inborn Talent with DMIT Test and be a Winner

The Benefits of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence(DMIT)

DMIT has various benefits. One of the most important benefit is that it reduces the waste of efforts through trial and error. The test gives an in depth understanding of the strengths and hence preferred career choices which can be fruitful for the kid. DMIT test limits the danger of choosing a course or subjects, for that matter, which the kid might not appreciate latter. DMIT helps in achieving tons of monetary benefits too. Knowing the right career path from the beginning also will help your child climb the ladder faster than others. DMIT saves time and efforts for both elders, youngsters and kids.

How DMIT Helps?      

DMIT measures:

  • The behavioral pattern
  • Left and right hemisphere potential
  • Learning style and pattern preferred
  • Stress response system
  • 5 different quotients – Intelligence Quotients (IQ), Emotional Quotients (EQ), Adversity Quotient (AQ), Creativity Quotient (CQ) and Spirituality Quotient (SQ)
  • Preferred career option, career options are suggested in sync with the brain potential. This brain potential understanding isa part of DMIT.

Multiple Intelligence

What is Multiple Intelligence?

Each individual features a different kind of Intelligence composition. Multiple intelligence is centered at different parts of the brain Lobes. Multiple Intelligence may be a Study of 8 Multiple Intelligence composition of Human brain with help of MI Theory invented by Dr. Howard Gardner.

Types of Multiple Intelligence:

•       Intrapersonal Intelligence: Self Smart

•       Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

•       Musical Intelligence: Musical Smart

•       Linguistic Intelligence: Word Smart

•       Naturalist Intelligence: Nature Smart

•       Existential Intelligence: Phil Smart

•       Interpersonal Intelligence: People Smart

•       Spatial Intelligence: Picture Smart

•       Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: Body Smart

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