Career Counselling or Career Guidance is a process in which we guide individuals to plan their career goals based on their strengths, abilities and interests and choose the right career path to achieve those goals. Career Counselling is hence a process in which there occurs transfer of knowledge from an expert career counsellor to an individual who is seeking career guidance. Let us acknowledge the fact that career counselling is not a psychological counselling; in fact, career counselling is synonymous with career guidance. Right guidance and knowledge always help to achieve the goal quickly and in most efficient manner. Such is the case in career counselling.
Today, there are so many career options available and there exist many new age careers which never even existed in the last decade or even few years back. This leads to confusion in the minds of students as which career is best for them and hence arises the need of career counselling.
The primary objective of career counselling in bangalore is to help students select a field, that complements their abilities and skills the most. Hence, career guidance or career counselling in bangalore is very important as it will help students to choose from various career options and select the career path, which is best for them based on their strengths and comfort zones. Career counselling in bangalore works on the fact that if an individual works in his/her comfort zone, growth is more, with little efforts.
The first and foremost benefit of career counselling is that you avoid wastage of time, money and resources on irrelevant courses. If a student doesn’t choose the right career path, there is always a risk of dropout. A career counsellor through a career counselling process, can help set your career goals, plan your career and hence assist you choose the right career path by giving proper career guidance or career counselling. He takes you through a journey from darkness to light in career counselling process. If you hit in the dark, there is a probability that you may hit but at the same time, there is probability that you may miss as well. But when you are in light, you know your path and you take the right move accordingly. Through career counselling, you actually move into light by gaining right set of knowledge from a career counsellor.
Career Counselling helps you identify your IKIGAI – The Japanese concept of Happy Living. It helps in determining various factors including:
Out of the above 4 factors, first 2 factors are external and comes from the experience of a career counsellor. The remaining 2 factors can be determined by a career counsellor during the process of career counselling through a career assessment. These career assessments can be Inborn Intelligence testing or Acquired Intelligence Test which are questionnaire based.
An experienced career counselor can hence make use of the above factors to arrive at the best fit career for an individual. This is what you can expect from a session of career counselling.
We live in a country where people don’t even understand the importance of a doctor until the health goes out of control. They try all domestic ways and guidance of elders to fight with their ailment and once everything goes out of control, with no other hope left, they bang the door of a doctor and expect that everything will fall in place.
The same is true for career counselling. We at Mindgroom come across so many cases, when parents visit us for career counselling of their child when they feel that things have moved out of their control. They look upon us as a savior of their child and that we can make their child understand through a career counselling process and prevent them from dropping-out from a particular course.
Let us acknowledge the fact that time has changed. Don’t you think that if an Architect is necessary to build your house and plan the structure, an expert career counsellor is required to plan your career trajectory? Isn’t that important? Or would you like to visit a career expert when the guidance from friends, relatives and teacher fails?
With so many new-age career options, career counselling in bangalore has become a vital part of individual’s life. When a student is confused, he generally consults his friends, relatives, peers, teachers or internet. But all these sources can’t reveal which career option is best for you. Always remember that ‘One Size Fits All’ approach never works for career and hence there is need of career counselling. The earlier you opt for career counselling, better it is. Just like a game of chess, one wrong move and you may lose the game. Remember, there is no reverse gear in life!
Career Assessment is a tool used by a career counsellor to determine strengths and interests of an individual so that the same can be mapped with career options to arrive at the best fit career for an individual, in line with market demand. Different career counsellors in bangalore use different types of assessments for career counselling. Also, the same career assessment tool may not be apt for all age groups. Assessment tools like DMIT, 16PF, DBDA, HGMI, etc. are the most used in India for Career counselling. These tools for Career counselling are available both online and offline and test both Inborn and Acquired Intelligence. These tools for Career counselling in bangalore help in understanding an individual and guiding them on the right career path.
At Mindgroom, our career counsellors use a combination of these assessments including both Inborn and Acquired Intelligence tests, to arrive at the best fit career option. During our career counselling sessions, we take you to a logical conclusion as why you should choose a particular career by mapping various career options with strengths and interests determined through these assessments.
If we talk about career counselling in India, the industry is still at a nascent stage. People are slowly realizing the importance of career counselling and more and more schools are approaching us for seminars on Career Guidance or Career Counselling in India.
The number of searches for career counselling in India are increasing in Tier-1 cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad. However, if we talk about the demand of career counsellor in Tier-2 cities, the story is quite different. Many parents are not even aware of the fact that they can avail such facilities and take expert career guidance or career counselling.
Of late, various schools and educational institutions, including private coaching centers are taking initiatives to increase awareness about importance of Career Counselling amongst the parents.
DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence test) is a tool used in Career counselling in bangalore and is the best way to map an individual’s brain with various career options. In this assessment, fingerprints of a client are taken by a career counsellor using a scanning device as an input. The output in form of a report is generated that gives complete details of the client’s interests, personality, strengths, weaknesses and potential to the career counsellor along with best fit career options.
During the process of Career counselling, these strengths and interests are mapped with the career option. Research suggests 95% accuracy in this approach towards Career counselling. It is much more reliable than a questionnaire-based assessment, because its results don’t change over a period of time. Career counselling, done on the basis of fingerprint assessment gives a clearer picture to the career counsellor and also students to choose a career based on their inborn abilities and skill sets.
In India, Mindgroom is one of the largest DMIT based career counselling Centre with branches all across India as well as abroad. Mindgroom also conducts online career counselling through DMIT. Every Career counsellor at Mindgroom Career counselling centre is well versed with new-age career options.
Career Counsellor makes use of his/her experience to determine market demand for various career options and can take help of a career assessment to determine the abilities and interests of an individual and arrive at a definite career path.
‘One Size Fits All’ approach doesn’t work for Career. If you plan your career roadmap with help of an expert career counsellor, you can minimize the risk of dropout. In addition, you can identify your comfort zones and choose a right career so that you achieve success with little efforts.
When it comes to service, there is no thumb rule on charges. It depends on various factors including experience of Career Counsellor, type of career assessment, deliverables like number of sessions, discussion with industry expert, career roadmap etc. However, typically Career Counsellors charge in the range of INR 1500 to INR 10,000.
Career assessment is a tool used to identify the strengths and interests of an individual and map them with various career options to determine the best career. There are generally two broad categories of career assessments –Inborn Intelligence Test & Acquired Intelligence Test.
5 Reasons you should choose Mindgroom Career Counselling are: